Saturday 31 December 2011

hye happy new year sayang

Hye! and assalamualaikum 4 all reader..
urm,,, 2011 sudah tutup bku..
byk kenangan 2011.
rasa belum puas ag nak buat dalam 2011..
( tuh la byk cgt honeymoon, aii maklom lah bdx form4... tpy tuh dlu lah..)
skrang ------------> dah jady candidate 4 Spm
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh encik spm knp lah ko cpt sgt dtg...
rasa bru smlm dpt result encik pmr...
ayoyoyoyoyo.. adush.. (rasa cm batu jatuh ats kpla)
dah besar, dah matang, dah tua, dah senior kpda adik2 junior
dah x boleyh men2 dah...
kena fokus2.... x dek masa tok men2 dah..
encik spm buas..
kna jinak kan kalo nak dpt straight A's..
insyllh.. amin.... 
usaha + tawakal = success.. insyllah.. amin..

‎2012 : I will smile for the happiness , not laugh 
, I will hurt for the sadness , not cry ,
 I will respect for the haters , stay with the lover

kte2 semangat for 2012....

tutup bku 2011 and hadapi 2012 dgn smgt bru,azam bru, kehidupn yg bru..
mst look forward ae syg.. :)